Friday, 10.02.23, 19.00, Edesheim Castle
Everyone knows it, the tiredness in the relationship, when after a few years you look helplessly into the face of your partner and realize: “Before marriage I wanted to live forever”. Many had such dreams of a happy and fulfilled existence. At 25, you marry the person who makes you lose your mind, and at 50, you realize that he succeeded. So, despite high divorce rates, is marriage really outdated? Are single lives, evening companions and online dating portals a viable alternative? Couldn’t you modernize the old institute marriage? For men today, it is no longer important that a woman can cook. More importantly, she doesn’t know a good lawyer. The man knows by now anyway: He who lies on top must flush. The only thing that matters today is that the relationship is balanced: so one is right, the other is the husband! Of course, marriage also has its conforming and exciting sides. For example, when you come home and always have the same caregiver rejecting you, or when you take out a life insurance policy on each other and wait with anticipation to see who wins! Undoubtedly, the rules in a marriage are also important – and the most important is: faithfulness! Many people cannot be faithful. The question is: WHY? Doesn’t that also work for animals? For example, penguins – they are faithful to each other for life! However, unlike humans, they all look the same throughout their lives…!
Tim Poschmann – his new program, based on the book of the same name by Stephan Bauer, is as always a punchy mega-fun, but also an open reckoning with the singles society, eroding values and the feeling of “anything goes”.
The kitchen of Edesheim Castle will enchant the audience with a 3-course menu to match the play:
✰ 1st course: tuna carpaccio with lime, chili and avocado
✰ 2nd course: Roasted corn chicken breast on leaf spinach, creamy polenta and sage jus
✰ 3rd course: chocolate tart with mango and coconut ice cream
The dinner shows in the Wittelsbachkeller of the Hotel Schloss Edesheim – schedule
7 pm Opening of the hall and taking the seats
1. program part
Main course
2. program part
Duration: about 3.5 hours
Price: 79 € p.P (aperitif – 3 course menu & entertainment)
Information about the cellar magic
For information please contact the Schloss Edesheim store directly, Luitpoldstr. 9, 67483 Edesheim, telephone 06323 / 9424-0.
Privathotels Dr. Lohbeck GmbH & Co.KG
Hotel Edesheim Castle
Luitpoldstraße 9
67483 Edesheim
Phone 06323 – 94240
E-mail: info@schloss-edesheim.de